How to Attract More Visitors to Blog and Website?

How to Promote Blog?  and  How to Attract More Visitors to Your Blog?

The best way is to create compelling content. However there are also a few basic web tools to help you attract more visitors.  Compelling content come first, but it you are creating compelling content, flew other activities will increases the chance that other humans will actually see it.

1)      Use breaking news. When big news breaks, people will be looking for more information on that topic.  If you have expertise on hot topic publish post on that topic.

2)      Offer proven facts and statistical information.  If you want to be noticed use graphs and charts from trusted sources or information.

3)      Add a site feed so readers immediately can learn when you make changes

4)      Submit your blog to search directories, Twitter, StumbleUpon and Digg.

5)      Get involved in the Blogger community. Add links to other blogs from your blog and leave comments for other writers.   This is not the Best Tactics for Increasing ROI but it works. 
Incoming links from trusted websites, blogs are very important.

how to increase traffic

Blog Improvement Tips to Increase Your Traffic

6)      Use social bookmarking sites such as Digg, and StumbleUpon to encourage your readers to vote for your blog posts. Make sure that your headlines are thought provoking and straight to the point so that people will be interested to read your posts. Lists do very well on such bookmarking sites, so keep that in mind if you want to create a post that will be Digged by many viewers.

7)      Comment on other blogs
Try to comment on has much related blogs you can find and try to be as provocative as possible without offending anyone. This will encourage others to respond to your comments and visit your blog to learn more about you.

8)      Share your expertise generously so people recognize it and depend on you.

9)  Location of Your Blog – There is no definite answer to this question, in general, most sites will benefit from a blog located at rather than or even a completely separate site such as a Blogspot blog.

10) Blogging Platform – Blogging platform or content management system will save you time and money. CMS like WordPress and Drupal which both make blogging quite simple.

11) Good Design – Keep design attractive but simple, clean, and not too cluttered.  Simple is always better.  Read it to my Boss please…

 12) RSS  – Add a large RSS icon in a highly visible section of your blog. Again, make it easy for your readers.

13) Social Networking and Bookmark Site’s Links – add social media bookmark buttons to the bottom of every post enabling your readers to easily help promote your posts on all major social sites.

14) Invite bloggers to contribute to your blog. It will bring fresh cintents to your readers.

15) Revise older posts and update them with any new information you may have,  include some internal links back to your newer posts.

Compelling content come first, but it you are creating compelling content, flew other activities will increases the chance that other humans will actually see it.

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3 comments on “How to Attract More Visitors to Blog and Website?

  1. Ryan says:

    According to you, the blog created must be very much attractive and different from others. The blog must have the content which no one has written.
    You have nice blog

  2. Ralph says:

    Thanks so much! This was a complete lifesaver.
    I spent so much time looking for something to promote and attract more visitors to my website, and then I found this, which makes everything really clear!
    I am using your tips, and this works perfectly.

  3. Long Island says:

    Thanks to all …… For teach how to make blog attractive…

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